25. September 2018

The End to End testing (E2E) process is an essential part of any software development initiative, as it is required to ensure that coding works as planned. In the testing phase, all scenarios have to be considered for both success and failure, because the clients should not be the ones that find problems in the code. The goal of testing is to identify potential threats and avoid negative impacts in business operations, including the allocation of funds, clients accounting, and information management. The process is not an easy task because it requires dedicated testers, specific methodologies, and advanced software. The time needed for the testing phase might reach 30% of the total time of coding, depending on the software tested and the type of testing applied.

End to End testing

End to End Testing 

End to End testing refers to the testing method that can determine whether the performance of an application are meeting the requirements or not. It is performed from the start of the project to its finish line by using real-life scenarios including communication of the applications with the hardware component, databases, and other apps.

By applying those testing procedures, specialists could identify if there are any dependencies between two components of an application, as well as ensuring that accurate information is transmitted between them.

How it works

Taking as an example the Baking Industry, we can understand better the mechanism.  Many people tried out Stocks, which means proceeding multiple actions, sometimes in a short period. When one shareholder sells its share, no matter the profit or loss, the broker responsible for that share receive a particular percentage of the total amount. All these transactions involve Risk Management procedures.

Looking at the above example, we can understand that in banking activities the processes include multiple transactions. It might also involve various systems that are difficult to test, but the End-to-End procedures can achieve the desired level of quality.

Types of End to End testing for quality assurance 

  • Manual testing: in this situation, the tasks are done by a tester by checking different aspects of the applications or interacting with the software and its APIs. The tests could be sometimes expensive as they require a dedicated team to set the environment and execute verifications.
  • Automated testing: a machine will perform the tests by executing a script that has been written in advance. The tests can vary in complexity, from checking a single method to making sure that the entire sequence of complex actions leads to the same results. The quality of the test relies on how well the script was written.
  • Functional testing: it refers to the examination of complete functionalities of the applications. For example, in practice with web apps, it means that the process will involve an automated tool to the browser, which will be then used to click around and check the application. Functional testing can reach a whole other level thanks to the possibility to run tests on a smaller part of the application, even if the software includes hundreds of units.
  • Non-functional testing: the checking of the software is designed according to the client requirements and expectations. The primary variables that could direct the process are Performance Testing, Volume Testing, Security Testing, Installation Testing and others.
  • Agile testing: as its name, the tests conducted are very quickly. The agile testing can validate the clients’ requirements in the shortest time possible and make it customer friendly. Despite the shortage of time, the quality of the deliverable is imperative for reducing the costs and avoid the errors coming from the end user.

These are a few types of testing that could be performed in an End to End testing process. In developing services and products, the systematic process of checking the activities are essential. A quality assurance system could increase the customer confidence and company credibility, and could also impact the efficiency of the business overall.

How can ITSG help you?

ITSG Global is one of the leading IT organizations located in Poland, specialized in improving Quality Assurance processes and providing high-quality services for many foreign companies. The fast delivery and the proper tools used in the testing phase can provide companies quick results through quality improvements, better cost8 control, and avoidance of project delays. To learn more contact us at office@itsg.com.pl.

Published by: Joanna Matysiak

Photo source: www.pixabay.com

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