12. September 2017

After more than 20 years of its release on the market, Java is still one of the most critical technologies that attract interest. There have been a lot of improvements and developments, but it remained on the top when it comes to coding language.

There were times when Java’s dominance was affected by some challenges found on its security, but despite all setbacks, Java persisted very well. One question appears in our heads: Why should I still use Java? The following reasons should be enough to make you understand that Java should remain a premier software language for years to come.

Java is the foundation of enterprise computing

Java greatest asset is that it is present everywhere. Its ubiquity will make it last for a long time. It seems that 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Java. Also, specialists expect Java to resist as long as its founder might wish because it has substantial enterprise applications, big data management, mobile and other elements. What we need to make this technology irrelevant is a seismic shift, according to Scott Sellers, president, and CEO of JVM technology.

Moreover, given the spread of Java and the 10 million programmers that exist today and its widespread use, something significantly better will have to come along to cause people to change, and that because Java has a wide variety of useful open source libraries and frameworks.

Java is behind Android applications

Google’s Android platform is on the top of the list when it comes to mobile platforms worldwide. To create various applications for Android devices, developers mostly use their Java skills.

Android gained more than 60% of tablet sales worldwide last year, followed by Apple’s iOS. Moreover, 86% of all smartphones in the world are powered by Android.

Java tools and skills are valuable everywhere Android goes, from TVs to refrigerators and others. Any software which is used by a company can be named enterprise applications. The Java language is platform-independent as it is and in case you want to build an app for your business on Android, you can easily combine it with desktop software. With that kind of utility, it’s hard to think that Java developers will move on anytime soon.

Evolving is the central principle

Java might be perceived as some ancient programming language, but it is only 20 years old, and it is not the same as it used to be. The platform continuously adds new features such as lambdas in version 8, or the inclusion of modularity, JSON APIs and other things in the Java 9 edition.

The EE (Enterprise Edition) 8 of Java is still in work, but the company released last month their Proposed Final Draft. It is expected to focus on the latest web standards such as cloud support and ease of development. Also, the future versions will probably include co-routines and tail calls.

What else will happen with Java? It is the second most popular language when it comes to machine learning and data science. Because the global computing market will top $12.5 billion in three years, Java’s life looks bright.

Java is a mature language which is very popular among programmers. It has its ups and downs, but it still rules the web development market. With new features every year and a constant preoccupation for the market need, Java will live a long and useful life.

Photo source: www.pexels.com

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