12 March 2024

Legacy Modernizationin in Transport and Logistics

Legacy System Modernization, Software Development

Legacy Modernization remains a relevant matter for companies, that have been present on the market for a while now, but their software wasn’t designed for contemporary needs and expectations. Especially if the original creators are not available anymore or there are problems with documentation, and manipulating the existing system is a delicate matter. The point is - legacy systems cannot be ignored, because they slow down the whole progress of the company and the matter…

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3 January 2024

Legacy Systems Modernization for Business Transformation

Business, Legacy System Modernization

There was a time when your company’s software did exactly what it was supposed to do - you invested in a product designed for your needs and you were happy with the outcome. There is a high possibility, however, that since that time your business has expanded and the above-mentioned software did not follow. It’s outdated now and while it still works, the maintenance cost might be only one of its issues.   How does it…

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21 December 2023

Strategies for Modernizing Outdated Software Towards Operational Excellence with “ITSG Legacy System Health Check”

Digital Transformation, Legacy System Modernization

In the age of continuous innovation, it has been estimated that 78% of organizations find themselves stuck with outdated systems. Most of them are directly responsible for the companies slowly falling behind, because they are unable to keep up with innovations and customers’ expectations. We’ve prepared a set of questions to determine if your business is facing a legacy-problem.  You can find the checklist below. 1. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Concerns Are ongoing maintenance…

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2 November 2023

Legacy modernization in healthcare companies

Digital Transformation, Legacy System Modernization

Healthcare remains one of the fastest-growing and crucial industries in the world. Moreover, the 2019 pandemic caused its growth to accelerate even more with new solutions being introduced to keep up with the new reality and its challenges. Digital healthcare brought us to an era when sensors and robots are capable of performing some of the tasks, that would before require going to the doctor personally. That being said, this new medical landscape can serve…

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17 July 2023

Common mistakes when replacing legacy systems and how to avoid them

Legacy System Modernization

Legacy systems should be seen as a software that has already become obsolete or was running for so long, that the people who created it are either retired or moved on to another company without leaving any documentation behind. There’s already a joke running around that some of those senior developers are the documentation, which is funny as long as you have them around to work on the legacy systems. For new workers it’s a…

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24 March 2022

Legacy modernization – risk-to-benefit ratio

Legacy System Modernization

Legacy systems can be interpreted as systems that once gave you profitability but they have reached their maturity point and cannot support you anymore with growing your company. They generally rely heavily on soft- and hardware that is owned, operated and supported by the owner - in most cases, that will be your company. The point of their modernization is to make them more efficient and responsive to the newest technology, assuming that sooner or…

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