18 September 2024

Public, Private, or Hybrid AI? Navigating Your Deployment Options 

AI, Business, Digital Transformation

Public, Private, or Hybrid AI? Navigating Your Deployment Options  Quick insights  Broad access comes with data privacy concerns in public AI systems Task accuracy improves significantly with private AI, despite higher initial costs Organizations increasingly mix public and private models to meet their needs Deciding how to use AI in your business isn't always straightforward. Each deployment option comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. What works for one company might not suit…

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27 August 2024

$99 or $99,000: How much does AI implementation really cost? 

AI, Business, Digital Transformation, Other

$99 or $99,000: How much does AI implementation really cost?  Quick insights:  • AI implementation costs range from $5,000 to over $1 million  • Hidden costs include training, infrastructure and data preparation • Early AI adopters gain significant competitive advantages  AI and its price tag  How much does implementing AI actually cost? It's a question that's both simple to ask and complex to answer. The reality is, there's no fixed price tag for AI implementation.…

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13 August 2024

AI bot replacing 700 employees? What does the Klarna case teach us about AI projects? 

AI, Business, Digital Transformation

AI bot replacing 700 employees? What does the Klarna case teach us about AI projects? Quick Insights: Klarna's AI success: $40M predicted savings, 2.3M chats, 20+ markets  AI praise overshadowed by previous employee layoffs  Employee involvement key to smooth AI adoption The Power of AI in Customer Service   In February 2024, Klarna, the Swedish technology giant, announced a breakthrough in its customer service operations. The company’s new AI-powered chatbot, developed in partnership with OpenAI, took…

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2 August 2024

Gemma 2: Google’s Game-Changer in AI Efficiency

AI, Digital Transformation

Gemma 2: Google’s Game-Changer in AI Efficiency In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, Google has made a significant leap forward with its latest model, Gemma 2. This 2-billion parameter AI powerhouse is reshaping our understanding of what’s possible in machine learning, especially when it comes to efficiency and accessibility. A New Paradigm in AI Development For years, the AI community has operated under the assumption that bigger models inherently meant better performance. Gemma…

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8 July 2024

The AI Revolution: Hype, Reality, and the Future of Work

AI, Business, Digital Transformation

The AI Revolution: Hype, Reality, and the Future of Work Imagine you're at a bustling tech conference, surrounded by eager entrepreneurs and wide-eyed investors. The air is thick with excitement, and everywhere you turn, you hear whispers of the latest AI breakthrough that will "change everything." Sound familiar? Welcome to the AI hype cycle, where breathless predictions collide with the messy reality of the present. The Hype Machine in Overdrive These days, you can't swing…

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25 June 2024

Can GenAI replace your sales team?

AI, Business, Digital Transformation

Can GenAI replace your sales team? Once upon a time, sales was all about personal charm and a well-rehearsed pitch. Every day, salespeople would cold call prospects, manually research leads, and spend hours on administrative tasks. One day, Generative AI (GenAI) burst onto the scene, promising to revolutionize the entire sales process. Because of that, sales teams began to explore how this technology could augment their capabilities. We find ourselves on the cusp of a…

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