At ITSG, we understand the power of AI and the impact it can have on your business.
That's why we’re dedicated to delivering cutting-edge solutions that drive innovation
and progress.

With AI development, you can unlock the
potential to automate tasks, make better
and more informed decisions, and solve
complex problems. Whether you're looking
to improve customer experience, optimize
business processes, or gain a competitive
edge, our AI development services can help
you achieve your goals.


What is NOT Artificial Intelligence?

Not all digital systems or software that can perform specific
tasks or simulate intelligent behavior can be considered
examples of artificial intelligence (AI).

Here are a few examples of what is not considered AI:

Simple automation

Automation refers to the use of computer systems to perform routine or repetitive tasks, such as data entry or file management. These types of systems are typically based on pre-defined rules and conditions and do not involve any kind of decision-making or learning.

Traditional programming

A software program that performs specific tasks based on a set of pre-defined rules or conditions is not considered AI. These types of systems are often called rule-based systems or expert systems and are designed to provide pre-defined responses to specific inputs or situations.

Basic machine learning

Machine learning is a subfield of AI that involves teaching computer systems to learn from data, but not all types of machine learning are considered AI. For example, systems that use well-established statistical models or algorithms to make predictions or perform classification tasks are not considered AI.

Reactive machines

Reactive machines are computer systems that can react to specific inputs or situations, but do not have the ability to learn from past experiences or make decisions based on a broader context. Examples of reactive machines include traffic light systems and other types of systems that can respond to specific stimuli but do not involve any kind of learning or adaptation.

In general, AI systems are designed to simulate human-like intelligence and behavior, and
involve some form of learning or adaptation based on data or experience. While there is no
single definition of AI, it is generally characterized by its ability to make decisions based on a
broader context and learn from new information.


Not all digital systems or software that can perform specific tasks or simulate intelligent behavior can be considered examples of artificial intelligence (AI).

Data as a Service

Data as a Service (DaaS) is a data delivery model where data is made available to users on demand, typically through a cloud-based platform. It allows organizations to access and use data without having to invest in the infrastructure required to manage and store it. DaaS providers offer a range of data-related services, including data storage, processing, analytics, and visualization, to help users derive insights and value from their data. Examples of DaaS include data marketplaces, data integration platforms, and data warehousing services.

Data-enhanced Products

Data-enhanced products are enhanced with data-driven features and functionalities. These features are typically powered by machine learning algorithms that enable the product to learn from user behavior and data to deliver personalized and contextually relevant experiences. Examples of data-enhanced products include fitness trackers that use data to provide personalized workout plans, smart home devices that use data to adjust environmental settings based on user behavior, and cars that use data to optimize fuel efficiency and performance.

Data as Insights

Data as Insights refers to a type of data product that provides actionable insights and intelligence derived from data analysis, often using techniques like data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Data as Insights products focus on delivering value through the use of data by providing relevant, useful, and timely insights to decision-makers, helping them make more informed decisions and take appropriate actions based on data-driven recommendations. These products are often used in various industries such as finance, marketing, and healthcare to improve business operations, increase efficiency, and drive growth.



data management & analytics
experts in ITSG Global

ITSG Global has established a sizable team of
experienced artificial intelligence specialists.
Currently, over 100 ITSG Global experts are
dedicated to data management & analytics,
which encompasses related technologies and
methodologies. With our vast and comprehensive
knowledge, we possess the capability to transform
complex and challenging requirements from these
fields into efficient solutions.



Computer Vision
ITSG Global's AI solutions are closely related to the machine-based algorithmic processing of sensory input, such as the analysis, perception, and further processing of spoken and written language, images, and videos. For example, our solutions can scan and interpret documents like vehicle registration documents, POS receipts, and similar items to enhance user experience. In the field of autonomous driving, our AI solutions can use videos and images to detect obstacles, while neural networks can be utilized to predict whether a pedestrian intends to cross the street. Additionally, computer vision is also used in industrial processes, enabling fast and complete monitoring of industrial products round the clock, even with non-colored imaging techniques such as multispectral cameras to reveal chemical properties of materials, x-ray sensors to see inside objects, and 3D sensors to identify their shapes.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Natural Language Processing allows for the automated resolution of text- and speech-based problems, including tasks such as predicting a missing word in a text or translating and summarizing texts. ITSG Global provides services in this field, from implementing proofs of concept to developing productive systems. Our experts specialize in researching the potential of neural networks for efficiently processing linguistically complex customer data records. We can help customers filter key information from long texts, such as contracts, and even automatically visualize text information.
Artificial intelligence has a wide range of applications, including the evaluation of social media posts and sentiment analysis. It is also used in the development of AI-based data products such as voice assistants, voice APIs, and recommender systems, as well as in robotics such as robotic arms and robots. ITSG Global is currently engaged in the development of human-like robotics solutions that can interact with people and are used in retail environments, among other applications.


Meet our expert


Partner, CTO

I help organizations build and grow exceptional tech teams. As co-owner and CTO of ITSG Global, I leverage my 20 years of IT experience to solve business problems.


Learn about our latest projects


06 March 2023

IoT / Industry 4.0

Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, known commonly as ChatGPT is a chatbot introduced in November 2022 by OpenAI. The free-of-charge prototype version gained a lot of attention by the end of last year and, as a result, was valued at US$29 billion. It’s supposed to process and generate a human-like text without having an access to the Internet. That being said, it cannot browse […]

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