How to improve your business in 6 weeks?

6 December 2023

GenAI technology took the world by storm and it was quite obvious, that at some point the boom was going to translate into tools that could be used for business purposes. The problem remains, however, that there aren’t many specialists available who can use ChatGPT, CoPilot, or Midjourney to leverage a business. Which doesn’t change the fact, that if one cares about their future business opportunities they should consider getting themselves familiar with GenAI and what it can bring to the table. 

While not every person interested in GenAI is capable of translating their skills into the business environment, others made it their passion. That’s why we delivered a 6 week program full of workshops and technology ending with PoC and a game plan for our trainees to make the educated decision on how if at all Gen AI technology can leverage their businesses.

What does GenAI Accelerator offer?

Tailored Journey in Generative AI helps in incorporating generative AI in your organization’s strategy. The whole GenAI Accelerator is architected to deliver structured sprints and activities, custom-fitted for your distributed teams.

It provides:

  • Clarity: Obtain a lucid understanding of generative AI applications aligned to your industry and operational function
  • Discovery: Uncover tailor-made opportunities that resonate with your business specifics and tech stack
  • PoC & Prototyping: Test the waters with Proof of Concepts and prototypes built on your real data to validate generative AI applications
  • Game Plan: Complete the program armed with an actionable generative AI strategy and a prioritized execution roadmap

Being practitioners and early adopters of GenAI we can provide leadership delivered through a roster of highly skilled professionals, each with hands-on experience across a multitude of industries. Our expertise is uniquely tailored and spans five key areas:

  • Digital Modernization: Elevating legacy systems to agile solutions
  • Enterprise Innovation: Fostering resilience and growth in a digital landscape
  • Customer Engagement: Leveraging data insights for robust customer relation
  • AI-Enhanced Development: Amplifying software development through AI
  • Talent Strategy: Optimizing human capital for peak performance

Our expedited six-week program is designed to focus on key deliverables that offer an initial but measurable impact. It’s obvious that each business out there can benefit from GenAI, most of them just need to get some idea of what can be done and what fits the business scope. Click to learn more about our GenAI Accelerator Program!

Author: Cezary Dmowski, CTO at ITSG Global

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