Introduction to Generative AI (GenAI) Tools

Generative AI tools are transforming the business landscape, offering unprecedented capabilities that drastically affect operations across various sectors. For business executives, understanding these tools is crucial to staying competitive. GenAI applications are rapidly evolving, enhancing tasks such as content creation and generative design, and promising even more advanced functionalities with the forthcoming GPT-5.

At ITSG, we’d like to guide you through the current market landscape and practical applications of GenAI tools, helping you make informed decisions for integrating AI into your business strategies.

State of the market

What are some practical uses of generative AI today?

The field of generative AI will progress rapidly in both scientific discovery and technology commercialisation, but use cases are emerging quickly in creative content, content improvement, synthetic data, generative engineering and generative design.

In-use, practical applications today include the following:

  • Written content augmentation and creation: Producing a “draft” output of text in a desired style and length. Text generation tools enable businesses to streamline content production by drafting articles, scripts, and reports.
  • Image and video generation: Creating marketing visuals, concept art, training data for computer vision applications, marketing videos, educational content, social media videos, and training materials.
  • Question answering and discovery: Enabling users to locate answers to input based on data and prompt information.
  • Text manipulation and summarisation: Softening language, professionalising text, and offering shortened versions of conversations, articles, emails, and webpages. Breaking down titles, creating outlines, and extracting key content.
  • Audio generation and voice-to-text: Creating audiobooks, voice-overs, accessibility features, and meeting summaries.
  • Classification of content for specific use cases: Sorting texts by various criteria like emotional tone, audience targeting or main subject matter.
  • Software coding: Generating code snippets, translating code between languages, explaining code logic, and verifying code integrity.
  • Industry-specific applications: Optimizing processes and improving decision-making in industries such as healthcare (medical imaging analysis, drug discovery), finance (fraud detection, algorithmic trading), and manufacturing (predictive maintenance, quality control).
Transformative leap with GPT-5

The anticipated leap from GPT-4 to GPT-5 signifies a major evolution in AI capabilities. OpenAI executives have hinted at the groundbreaking potential of GPT-5, which is expected to surpass current expectations and drive unprecedented efficiencies and applications in multiple sectors.

Emergence of personalised AI agents

OpenAI’s development of personalised AI agents that operate on user devices emphasises the future of highly customised and efficient tools. These agents promise to enhance user experiences and productivity, offering tailored solutions that meet specific business needs.

Multimodality and transformative AI potential

The integration of multimodal capabilities in AI tools—including text, image, video, and audio—combined with advanced reasoning and personalization represents a transformative potential for businesses. This holistic approach can revolutionise operations, providing new levels of efficiency and capability.

Applications of GenAI tools

Text generation tools

Hadi, et al. (2023). Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey of its Applications, Challenges, Limitations, and Future Prospects

Text generation tools are pivotal for automating and enhancing various aspects of content creation and communication. These tools are used for generating written content, coding, chatbots, translation, and summarisation. Key tools in this category include ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini.

  • Applications: These tools streamline content production by drafting articles, scripts, and reports, saving significant time and resources. Chatbots powered by these tools enhance customer interactions with instant, accurate responses to inquiries. Additionally, their ability to translate and summarize texts breaks language barriers and condenses large volumes of information, boosting productivity and efficiency.
  • Tool Highlights:
    • ChatGPT: Known for its versatility in generating coherent and contextually relevant text.
    • Claude: Excels in language comprehension and generating detailed, human-like responses.
    • Gemini: Offers robust translation and summarization capabilities, making it ideal for multilingual applications.
  • Business Impact: These tools enable businesses to streamline content production, thus saving time and resources. They enhance customer interactions, improve and increase productivity by providing efficient translation and summarization solutions. Overall, they contribute to significant cost savings and operational efficiency.
Image generation tools

Hadi, et al. (2023). Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey of its Applications, Challenges, Limitations, and Future Prospects

Image generation tools such as DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion and Adobe Firefly bring an entirely new approach to visual content creation.

  • Applications: These tools are used for creating marketing visuals, concept art, and training data for computer vision applications.
  • Tool Highlights:
    • DALL-E 3 is user-friendly and integrates seamlessly with tools like ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing’s AI Copilot.
    • Midjourney excels in producing aesthetically pleasing images and has a strong community for inspiration.
    • Stable Diffusion stands out for its open-source nature, offering local hosting and extensive customisation options.
    • Adobe Firefly integrates well with Adobe’s suite, especially Photoshop, providing advanced features like Generative Fill.
  • Business Impact: These tools enhance marketing campaigns by enabling the rapid creation of high-quality visuals, accelerating the design process, and improving the training of machine learning models by generating diverse and accurate image datasets.
Video generation tools

Video generation tools like Colossyan AI, HeyGen AI, DeepBrain AI, BasedLabs AI, and Wondershare Virbo offer innovative solutions for producing marketing videos, educational content, social media videos, and training materials.

  • Applications: These tools significantly reduce video production costs and time, making high-quality video content accessible to businesses of all sizes.
  • Tool Highlights:
    • Colossyan AI offers extensive customisation options for voices and avatars and supports over 70 languages.
    • HeyGen AI enables realistic AI cloning and integrates with ChatGPT for scripting, enhancing the personalisation of video content.
    • DeepBrain AI simplifies video production tasks and supports multilingual output, ideal for global enterprises.
    • BasedLabs AI focuses on creating short, high-quality videos with an active community for inspiration.
    • Wondershare Virbo provides realistic AI actors and storyboard templates, enhancing user experience and efficiency.
  • Business Impact: These tools help businesses engage their audiences more effectively on various platforms by producing captivating and relevant video content.
Audio generation and voice-to-text tools

Audio generation and voice-to-text tools like PlayHT, Natural Readers,, Sonix, Fathom, Grain,, Krisp, and Meeting Guru are redefining how businesses handle audio content and meeting transcriptions.

  • Applications: These tools are used for creating audiobooks, voice-overs, accessibility features, and meeting summaries.
  • Tool Highlights:
    • PlayHT and Natural Readers generate natural-sounding speech from text, expanding content reach and improving presentation quality.
    • and Sonix provide accurate meeting transcriptions and summaries, increasing productivity by allowing users to focus on conversations rather than note-taking.
    • Fathom and Grain offer enhanced support and ease of use, with features such as automated note-taking and integration with major meeting platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
    • and provide additional functionalities like virtual meeting assistants and noise cancellation through Krisp.
  • Business Impact: These tools enhance accessibility by providing voice-overs and transcriptions, and they improve meeting efficiency by offering comprehensive summaries and highlights, which are crucial for busy professionals.
Code generation tools

Code generation tools such as GitHub Copilot, OpenAI Codex, Tabnine, Code T5, Code Whisperer and Cody are transforming software development.

  • Applications: These tools assist developers by generating code snippets, translating code between languages, explaining code logic, and verifying code integrity.
  • Tool Highlights:
    • GitHub Copilot uses AI to detect errors and recommend changes, and it is free for students and educators.
    • OpenAI Codex, based on GPT-3 and GPT-4, is proficient in multiple programming languages and excels in generating and explaining code.
    • Tools like Tabnine and CodeT5 utilize deep learning algorithms for intelligent code completion and bug-free coding.
    • CodeWhisperer and Cody provide real-time code suggestions and understand entire codebases.
  • Business Impact: These tools significantly accelerate development cycles, improve code quality, and reduce costs by automating repetitive coding tasks and enhancing developer productivity.
Industry-specific AI tools

Industries are increasingly adopting AI tools tailored to their specific needs and challenges, optimising processes and improving decision-making.

  • Healthcare:
    • Medical imaging analysis tools like and Arterys assist radiologists in analysing medical images, such as CT scans and MRIs, to detect anomalies and make accurate diagnoses.
    • AI platforms like Atomwise and BenevolentAI accelerate drug discovery by analysing biomedical data and predicting drug efficacy.
  • Finance:
    • Fraud detection tools like Feedzai and Kount help detect and prevent fraudulent activities in real time.
    • Algorithmic trading platforms like Kavout and Numerai enable quantitative traders to develop and execute sophisticated trading strategies.
  • Manufacturing:
    • Predictive maintenance solutions like Augury and Senseye help predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance proactively.
    • Quality control tools like Landing AI and Neurala enable manufacturers to automate quality control processes, ensuring high-quality products.
  • Business Impact: These industry-specific AI tools offer tailored solutions, improving efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness in their respective fields.


The state of the GenAI market is characterized by rapid advancements and diverse applications across industries. Generative tools for text, sound, video and code are influencing the entire business landscape, regardless of the industry. Their transformative power potential seems limitless.

For executives looking to explore these technologies, now is the time to act. If you’re in need of guidance or would like to see practical applications of GenAI in your particular business, contact ITSG’s CTO, Cezary Dmowski, and stay ahead of the curve.

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