
We will improve your interface


to give you the competitive edge so you will deliver more.

    high performance

    modern look

    easy maintenance

    simplicity of use

    How do we work

    We start with identifying your needs and building an effective team to work with you closely. Then, we verify the business challenges you face by making proposals that meet your requirements. At the next stage, we study users behavior and build frontends that are perfectly adapted to their needs. We measure the effectiveness of implemented solutions, so they can be modified, developed or expanded according to your business growth.


    Helping you answer the question, "What exactly should I build?"


    Creating beautiful, easy-to-use interfaces that delight users and make your company look great.


    Writing bullet-proof code that runs smoothly and securely across multiple platforms.


    Getting your product to people - with minimum hassle.


    Keeping your product in top shape with block-of-time support contracts so we can respond quickly to your needs.

    We deliver



    Micro-frontend architectures allow organizations to add new features and frontend functionality to their applications without affecting other parts of the code, enabling greater team scalability and time to market. We are helping our clients to make architectural decisions regarding whether they should and how they should introduce this pattern, and we help with the implementation.


    Mission critical

    We deliver resilient and bullet-proof frontend solutions implementing highly type-safe applications using modern tools like ReasonML, GraphQL, ReasonReact, and ReasonRelay.


    Top-class user

    We deliver modern Web User Interfaces using ReactJS and VueJS frameworks. We help increase your e-commerce / enterprise KPIs by providing dynamic, fast, and easy to extend solutions.


    Enterprise system

    We help our clients to gradually transform their enterprise legacy systems to be compatible with the digital future. We consult and implement strategies to convert outdated and hard to use techniques to modern ones by fresh user interface layer.


    of using ITSG to develop your Frontend?


    Goto Market Faster

    Our frontend engineers have been developing user interfaces for a long time. Our timeline estimations are accurate and we strive to stick by them. This helps you plan and forecast your business activities better.


    Leverage Multidisciplinary Expertise

    We have a diverse team of engineers, designers and project managers - each an expert in their field. This helps us overcome unforeseen challenges by leveraging the diversity in our team's expertise.


    Controlled Development Costs

    We estimate a project cost depending on the requirements, and we abide by it. Since your development cost gets fixed, you can plan your budget way more efficiently.


    Future Proof Your Product

    We invest in keeping abreast of new technologies. Our engineers can consult you on the language, library and frameworks to choose for your product.

    Meet Our Expert

    Cezary Dmowski

    Partner, CTO

    We assist in the expansion of your business by providing tailor-made solutions. Our interdisciplinary team guarantees an innovative approach and creative solutions.

    Order free quote

    If you are wondering how to improve the efficiency of your business through modern frontend solutions – feel free to contact us.

    We’ll write you back as soon as possible!